Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Where does the time go?

Oh boy I'm tired! I am nearing the end of my first week on Weight Watchers, combined with new, inspired buddy approach to regular exercise. In addition to working a 37.5 hour week I have gone to the gym 3 times, done an aquafit class, cleaned my house, fixed my stove, organized my freezer, packed lunch every day, cooked a pot of soup, a pot of pasta sauce, cut up veggies, made dip and hummus, and prepared a great "Sunday Dinner" barbeque. Additionally everything I have consumed has been recorded in my journal. I've either planned my day in advance or kept track as I've consumed, but each morsel has been recorded for posterity, and hopefully resulting in less "posteriority"!!

My friend Laura has been a great inspiration and motivator to keep me going but after getting home from aquafit tonight and having to feed myself, do the dishes, pack my lunch, put out the garbage, clean the litter boxes, prepare the coffee for the morning and wash my bathing suit, my night is shot! I'm exhausted!

I hope this gets easier! I don't know how she does it because I don't even have kids and I'm wiped. Laura has three kids and a wonderful husband! OY!! I'm pooped!


Laura said...

I'm pooped too...this is a hard and tiring journey...but with support from friends - wonderful friends like you - I keep going.

You are doing great!!!!!!

Week one - SUCCESS!!!!!

Hear the cheers????????? Hope so, you deserve them!