Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Weigh In Week 2

For many reasons today has been an extremely frustrating day.  Work was frustrating but I was able to leave it behind when I hopped in my car at 5:30 and headed home for a bit before my weigh-in at Weight Watchers.  I was kind of excited about tonight because it has been a very good week.  I've planned and journalled all my food, made lunches every day, made healthy choices when eating out, worked out three times and weighed myself to see how I was doing.  By all accounts I had lost at least another pound this week but when I stepped on the scale I was absolutely deflated when I found out that I gained a pound.

There was nothing to beat myself up about because there was no rhyme or reason as to why and that's what is so frustrating for me.  I cannot explain why I gained a pound but I have to believe that it was an anomoly and all will be right with the universe next week.  But I don't know.  And that's what is so discouraging.  I will have to face many people and confess that my weight went up, not down as I predicted, and I have to find the strength to believe that if I continue I will succeed.  So although I got home late tonight and had pretty much decided I wasn't going to make my lunch, I found the strength to go back downstairs and plan my day.  I planned my food and packed my "feed bag".  I guess I'll give it another week.  What have I got to lose?


Laura said...

Hang in there!

My weight dr said that you can usually draw a predictable loss-line for males, but for females, their expected weight loss, is never predictable - you know cause of our wonderful monthly cycles.

When I review my loss pattern for the last 6 months, I can see an interesting, please do not give up! Hang in there.

You are doing great - and eventually all your good choices and changes will make a difference!