Monday, April 20, 2009

Tough Week

I've been hard pressed to find something fun and inspirational to say this week, mainly because it's hard to feel motivated about my weight loss journey when the scale stayed the same last week.  It's a very tough pill to swallow because there were times in the past when I dieted and lost weight consistently at a rate of about 2 lbs per week.  So far I am averaging 1 lb per week and am resenting two things:  1) that I did not commit to losing weight when I was younger and it came off a whole lot easier with a whole lot less effort, and 2) being in my forties.

I had the BEST time at my fortieth birthday.  I embraced turning 40 like it was the beginning of the rest of my life.  And it was a blast for about two years, but since then things are starting to fall apart.  My near vision is gone and I now wear progressive lenses where I didn't need glasses at all, body parts ache for no apparent reason, I am developing sebaceous cysts on my face, I have eczema on my eyelids, and crap, I might as well say it:  "I'm still single too".  

Okay so I'll admit it - I'm feeling sorry for myself.  So what am I going to do about it.  Hmmm... good question.  There's no game plan but I did break down and eat a few more things on Saturday than I should have, but all cheats were accounted for and checked off the flex points.  Yesterday I got myself busy and productive again, and by the time I get to my Weight Watchers weigh in on Wednesday I'll have worked out 3 times plus done some yard work.  I guess that's not too bad eh?

So although I haven't made a conscious decision to fall off or get back on the wagon, I believe that the healthy eating habits I've formed to date have easily guided my out of my Saturday Food Funk back to my "new normal".  I really believe that I can do this, but if I have too many weeks like last week I may also have a few more food funks to deal with as well.


Laura said...

I think you are so right about changing your habits and that they are now becoming a way of life - by choosing to commit to a halthy lifestyle, the weight will eventually come off.

Last night I was talking to a nuturist and naturalpath dr. Che stressed that 1 pound a week in a person who is usually or routinely active is a very healthy loss to expect. She indicated that once a routine has been established, I (and you!) may see weeks of little loss or no loss or even gain followed by a HUGE loss. This is our body using stored energy and fat and rebuilding after, that may be the case. She indicted that being on a program like WW will bring out your personal pattern in about 12-16 weeks!!!!! can we wait that long??? I say yes - we have both come a long way - and we know this is a life time journey - Stay focusd my friend!!!! HUGS! you ar doing great!

And yes - 3 workouts and gardening is AMAZING!!!!