Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm Touched

First of all, thank you so much Laura for your lovely post about my left boob. For the record, you too have become very special to me as well and your blogger friends are pretty amazing. To receive such good vibes from people who don't know me is very moving. No matter what the outcome I'll be touched by this experience forever.

Yesterday I had the biopsy. I was very nervous that it would hurt. Ironic for someone who managed quite well through two root canals within three months last year. But it didn't hurt and I only have minor aching today. Nothing even worthy of a tylenol.

The radiologist informed me that it could take as long as two weeks to get the results. So I wait. I may not get the results on May 14th as I had hoped. I wait.

Now here is the kicker. The whole reason I went in for the mammogram to begin with was because I had some itchiness that the doctor wanted checked. She asked for a biopsy on what looks like some scar tissue from all the scratching, but it seems this request got derailed by the discovery of the lump. Yesterday as I was laying on the table waiting for the procedure to begin, the ultrasound technologist noticed the request on my file and told me she'd have to request another appointment for me because that requires a surgeon, not the radiologist who was doing the biopsy on the lump. Yes, it's true. I have to go for another biopsy. And so I wait.

To pass the time I'm wrapped up in work - so busy my head is spinning - and at home the nesting instinct has kicked back in and I'm doing my best impression of an Italian mother. Who makes 6 dozen meatballs and a big pot of spaghetti sauce on a weeknight? Ummm... yeah. That would be me.

I've stocked up on beading supplies to keep me busy over the next little while. I find when I'm creative I don't think about anything. My next creation is going to be bright and cheery and full of colour. When I wear the bracelet I will bring to reality the expression "wearing my heart on my sleeve" because that is the outlook I strive to maintain every day and I will do my best to not let this boob experience change that. My wonderful friends and family, and even people who don't know me will see to it that I don't stumble. I'm the luckiest person in the world. There's not much more I could want in my life, and so I wait with a big smile on my face, love in my heart and a positive outlook thanks to you all.



Laura said...

I too am sitting and waiting...just keeping you in my prayers and thoughts...The waiting game must be the toughest...but you have lots and lots of friends who love and support you - so please lean on us.

This bloggy-world rocks!

Cheers...and lots of hugs (without squeezing the loft booby!)


Anonymous said...

Any friend of Laura's is a friend of mine! I will be praying for good news!

Unknown said...

I will be praying for you that you receive good news.

Barrie said...

Thinking of you....
Will check back.

Don Mills Diva said...

Here via Laura's blog and sending you lots of hugs and healing vibes!